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Adopt a Spot

Adopt A Spot

NI Adopt A Spot Ambassador

Connecting communities, one Spot at a time

Adopt A Spot is a community-based volunteer programme focused on minimising litter and promoting civic pride. Families, community groups, youth groups, schools, businesses and sporting associations are all encouraged to help foster a healthier, greener and cleaner Northern Ireland by adopting and caring for a neglected area.

Your 'Spot' could be an overgrown alleyway, a mile of your favourite beach that is always full of litter, a local park that has seen better days, or even the street you live on. If you can think of an area in need of a little TLC, why not adopt it?

Our mission

The goal of Adopt A Spot is to help get people excited about where they live and empower individuals to take greater responsibility for their local environment. One Spot at a time, together we aim to accomplish cleaner streets and neighbourhoods, with less dog fouling, more biodiversity and better use of unused spaces.

When you sign-up to Adopt A Spot, you commit and agree to:

How to Get Involved

1. Choose Your Spot: 

Identify a location you’re passionate about. It could be a littered stretch of beach, an unkempt alley, or simply your neighborhood street. Ensure the spot is safe and accessible. Remember to secure permission for any privately owned land.

2. Plan Your Activities: 

Decide on the initiatives you want to implement at your Spot. Options range from planting for pollinators and installing wildlife habitats to growing produce and organising clean ups. Tailor your activities to suit your group’s interests and the needs of the location. If you intend to conduct litter picking activities, you can find guidance here.

3. Register: 

Create or log in your Live Here Live Here profile. Navigate to 'My Profile' and under 'Grants/Awards', select 'Adopt A Spot'. You can apply for one or multiple Spots if coordinating a group. When you sign up to Adopt A Spot, you agree to maintain your Spot, adhere to our Clean-Up Safety Guidelines, and log your activities and their outcomes.

4. Log Your Progress:

After each event, log into your profile, go to 'My Profile', and under 'Profile Management', click '+ Add new event' to record the specifics of your clean-up. You’ll be able to enter details like the number of volunteers, bags collected, and duration of the activity.

You will receive an annual 'Impact Survey' via email for you to complete. Filling this out lets us know how you're getting on in your Spot and what additional assistance you require.

Need More Information?

We’re here to help! If you have questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.