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Renewing your Award

Once a school has been awarded the Green Flag it will need to reapply for the award every two years. First applications and renewals use the same online application.

Not all schools renewing their flag will receive a site visit for assessment. The maximum time between site visits for flag renew will be four years. Decisions on who will receive a visit will be based on the information included in the application, familiarity with the school, if the school is an Ambassador Eco-School, whether requirements from previous assessments have been met, regularity of renewal. You may be asked to supply a little more detail in some areas to clarify if you require a site visit or not. If you have any questions regarding this process please contact the Eco-Schools team.  

Renewing your Green Flag Award is straightforward. There are three key elements to what you need to do:

  1. Maintain what you did for previous Green Flags
    Our assessors will want to see evidence that work undertaken for previous Green Flag awards has been maintained. This ongoing work should be detailed in your Action Plans.
  2. Meet any requirements given
    Eco-Schools will have sent you a letter with your previous Green Flag and certificate, and if this letter contains any requirements they will expect these to have been addressed by the time of your next assessment. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Eco-Schools team if you need further advice on what to do.
  3. Expand the programme
    Eco-Schools NI currently offers a choice of eleven topics. Schools must conduct the Environmental Review on an annual basis for all eleven topics, but they are then free to select which of these they will focus on, tackling more topics for each successive Green Flag.