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Silver Award

  1. The school has identified an Eco-Committee which has met on at least six occasions/year. 
  2. The Eco-Committee has completed an Environmental Review and has recorded the results.
  3. The Eco-Committee has produced a detailed Action Plan (including timescales and targets) and shared the plan with the rest of the school community.
  4. The Eco-Committee can demonstrate progress towards achieving at least two elements of the Action Plan.
  5. The school can identify progress towards one large-scale project and indicate involvement with two others. ‘Identify progress’ means that the school has an understanding of the project topic and recognises its importance to sustainable development within the school environment and the wider community.
  6. The school has a prominent, designated noticeboard, web pages or newsletter which details Eco-Schools activities.
  7. The school has informed parents and the wider community about the work being undertaken by the school in relation to Eco-Schools.
  8. The school can indicate that some environmental issues have been covered within curriculum work in most year groups.
  9. The school has agreed, adopted and displayed an ‘Eco-Code’.

Applying for the Silver award

Before applying for your Silver award, please check that you have completed everything on the criteria checklist and that you have your school’s log-in details.

Do not send any forms or other written information to the Eco-Schools office as the Silver award is given following a school’s self-assessment online.

Click here to apply now